Monday, October 31, 2011

Really funny jokes-Do you want a box?

Each day when I would come home from work I would drop to my knees and ask my 4-year-old son if he wanted to box. I wanted him to learn how to protect himself, so we would spar around for a few minutes before supper.

One day my wife and I took our son to get new shoes. The shoe salesman was friendly and allowed my son to try on several pairs of shoes before we decided on a particular pair that he liked. We asked if he wanted to wear them home and he replied, "Yes." The salesman, who was kneeling on the floor in front of our son, held the old shoes in his hands and asked, "Do you want a box?"

Our son stood up and punched him right on the nose.

After grabbing our son we had to spend the next several minutes explaining why this happened. Luckily, our salesman was the father of a 4 year old.

SMS jokes-Apple a day

How does an apple a day keep the doctor away?

When you take careful aim.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Laurel and Hardy jokes-Dead or Alive?

Laurel and Hardy were repairing their roof. All of a sudden, Hardy lost his balance and went tumbling on the ground. Laurel rushed down, reached Hardy who was lying motionless and asked: “You still alive or dead?”

Hardy: “Alive.”

Laurel: “You mostly lie to me. I don’t know whether to trust you or not.”

Hardy: “Then I must be dead. You won’t dare to call me a liar if I were alive.”

Funny jokes-Romantic Gorilla

Two young nuns having just been ordained were on a holiday in New York City and were standing in front of the gorilla cage at the Bronx Zoo. The gorilla took one look at this beautiful young nun, bent the bars, jumped to the ground and kissed her. Then he went back into his cage, straightened the bars and resumed thumping on his massive chest.

The nuns met again a week later and one of the nuns asked her friend,"I have one question. Did he sent flowers afterwards...?"

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween jokes-Three vampires in a bar

It was Halloween and three vampires went into a saloon and bellied up to the bar. "

What will you have?" the bartender asked.

"I'll have a glass of blood," the first replied.
"I'll have a glass of blood, too, please," said the second.
"I'll have a glass of plasma," said the third.

"OK, let me get this straight," the bartender said. "That'll be two bloods and a blood light?"

Celebrity jokes-Hair color

Q: Why did Anna Nicole Smith change her hair color from blonde to red?

A: Because red is easier to spell!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Finance jokes-CPA

What does CPA stand for?
Can't Produce Anything

What does FCPA stand for?
Finally Caught Pinching the Assets.

Really funny jokes-Typical Texas baby

A Texan bought a round of drinks for all in the bar and said that his wife had just produced "a typical Texas baby" weighing twenty pounds.

Two weeks later he returned to the bar. The bartender recognized him and asked, "Aren't you the father of the typical Texas baby that weighed twenty pounds at birth?"

"Yup, shore am!"

"How much does he weigh now?"

The proud father answered, "Ten pounds."

The bartender said, "Why, what happened? He did weigh twenty pounds."

The proud Texas father said, "Jest had him circumcised!"

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hilarious jokes-Dead Raccoons

As migration approached, two elderly vultures doubted they could make the trip south, so they decided to go by airplane. When they checked their baggage, the attendant noticed that they were carrying two dead raccoons.

"Do you wish to check the raccoons through as luggage?" she asked.

"No, thanks," replied the vultures. "They're carrion."

Short funny jokes-Two tickets

Why did the Irishman buy two tickets to the zoo?

One to get in and one to get out.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Really funny jokes-The lions will eat anything

Starting his new job at the zoo, the eager young zoo keeper asked the Head keeper what he should do for his first task. "Go and clean out the aquarium" he was told.

Arriving at the aquarium, he discovered that all the fish were dead. He rushed back to the head keeper and asked what he should do.

"Throw them to the lions" said the head keeper, "the lions will eat anything".

So the young keeper returned to the aquarium, picked up all the dead fish and threw them into the lion's cage. That done, he returned and asked what he should do now. He was instructed to go and clean out the ape house. Off he went and started cleaning. He was shocked to discover dead chimpanzees in the cage, and rushed back for instructions.

"Don't worry" said the head keeper, "just throw them to the lions, the lions will eat anything".

So the young man returns to the ape house and throws the dead animals into the lions cage. Returning again for instructions, he is told to go along and help clean up the insect house. Busy cleaning out one off the exotic hives, he notices that all the bees have died. "I know what to do", he thinks to himself "I'll throw them all to the lions, as the lions will eat anything", whereupon he brushes them all up and throws them into the lion cage.

The next day, the zoo obtains a new lioness. The lioness is walking around the new cage for the first time, and starts asking the other lions what things are like here. "Hows the accommodation?", she asks.

"Fine" comes the reply from one lion.

"And whats the food like?" she asks.

"Not bad" replies another, "yesterday, we had fish, chimps and mushy bees".

Hilarious jokes-Auditor

Why did the auditor cross the road?
Because he looked in the file and that's what they did last year.

Why did he cross back?
So he could charge the client for travel expenses.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Funny jokes-Spanish lessons

Dewey and Odell met on the Brownsville main street.

"Say," said Dewey, "Ah hurd yew and yore wife is goin' ta night school ta take Spanish lessons. How cum?"

"Uh huh," answered Odell. "We went and adopted us a little Mexican baby, and we wanna be able ta understand him when he gets old enough ta talk!"

Celebrity jokes-Jump off

Q: Why did Britney jump off the building?

A: She thought her maxi pads had wings

Monday, October 24, 2011

Really funny jokes-Noise abatement

An airline pilot was scheduled to take a flight from New York to Los Angeles. The weather was too bad in New York to allow his usual on time departure. The weather in New York finally cleared and the pilot asked for his departure clearance. He was very dismayed to hear that he had another delay due to the increased traffic now leaving New York. Sometime later he finally received his clearance and decided he would try to make up the time lost by asking for a direct route to Los Angeles. Halfway across the country he was told to turn due South. Knowing that this turn would now throw him further behind schedule he inquired, quite agitated, to the controller for the reason of the turn off course. The controller replied that the turn was for noise abatement. The pilot was infuriated and said to the controller, "Look buddy, I am already way behind schedule with all the delays you guys have given me today. I really don't see how I could be causing a noise problem for pedestrians when I am over 6 miles above the earth!" The controller answered in a calm voice, "Apparently, Captain, you have never heard two 747's collide!"

Short funny jokes-What is a baby?

What is a baby:
A soft pink thing that makes a lot of noise at one end and has no sense of responsibility at the other.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hilarious jokes-From Mars

A Martian lands to plunder, pillage and burn. He goes up to the owner of the first house he sees and says, "I'm a Martian just arrived from the other side of the galaxy. We're here to destroy your civilisation, pillage and burn. What do you think about that?"

The owner replies, "I don't have an opinion. I'm a chartered accountant."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Really funny jokes-Suffering accountants

What do accountants suffer from that ordinary people don't?


Kids jokes-Entertaining the baby

A distraught mum rushed into the back yard, where eight-year-old Tommy was banging on the bottom of an old upturned tin bath with a poker.

"What do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

"I'm just entertaining the baby," explained Tommy.

"Where is the baby?" asked his Mum.

"Under the bath."

Friday, October 21, 2011

Redneck jokes-Whole movie

Sauer and Tolbert went to the zoo and watched in awe as a lion let loose with a spine-tingling roar. "Let's get out of here!" said Sauer.

"Go on, if'n you want to," said the other redneck. "But Ah'm stayin' for the whole movie!"

Clean jokes-Loose chickens

The farmer's son was returning from the market with the crate of chicken's his father had entrusted to him, when all of a sudden the box fell and broke open. Chickens scurried off in different directions, but the determined boy walked all over the neighborhood scooping up the wayward birds and returning them to the repaired crate. Hoping he had found them all, the boy reluctantly returned home, expecting the worst.

"Pa, the chickens got loose," the boy confessed sadly, "but I managed to find all twelve of them."

"Well, you did real good, son," the farmer beamed. "You left with seven."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Funny jokes-One up

It is a known fact that Winston Churchill had no time for women, particularly women in politics. Churchill was particularly adverse to one Nancy Ashton, a woman M.P. On one occasion he was particularly nasty to Nancy in the parliament, when Nancy declared openly: "Sir, if I were your wife, I would poison your drinks, mark my words.”

Having already tasted his little victory earlier, Churchill was generous: "And dear lady, if I were your husband, I would drink it.”

Really funny jokes-Welcome aboard

From an Airlines employee.... "Welcome aboard Flight XXX to YYY. To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seatbelt, and if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with two small children, decide now which one you love more.

Good jokes-Norwegian Beer Bottles

What does it say at the bottom of Norwegian Beer Bottles?

Open At Other End.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hilarious jokes-Look in the lion's mouth

A man went to work for a zoo veterinarian.

"Look in the lion's mouth," the vet told him.

"How do I do that?" he asked.

"Carefully," replied the vet.

Teacher jokes-Comments made by NYC teachers

Actual comments made by NYC teachers on their report cards as of their final narratives. All teachers were reprimanded!

1. Since my last report, your child has hit rock bottom and has started to dig.
2. I would not allow this student to breed.
3. Your child has delusions of adequacy.
4. Your child is depriving a village of an idiot.
5. Your son sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them.
6. The student has a "full six-pack" but lacks the plastic thing to hold it together.
7. This child has been working with glue too much.
8. When tour daughter’s IQ reaches 50, she should sell.
9. The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn’t here.
10. If this student were any more stupid, he’d have to be watered twice a week.
11. It’s impossible to believe the sperm that created this child beat out 1,000,000 others.
12. The wheel is turning but the hamster is gone.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hilarious jokes-Started with the iPhone

It all started with an iPhone...

My son celebrated his 16th birthday in April,
and I bought him an iPhone. He simply loved it.

I celebrated my birthday in May, and I was really pleased to get an ipad from my wife.

My daughter's birthday was in November, so I got her an iPod Touch.

My wife's birthday was celebrated in February, so I got her an iRon.

It was around that time the fights started...

What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean.

This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service.

I should be out of the hospital next week!!


Really funny jokes-Turkey style

"Well, dear what's it to be tonight?" said the amorous hubby.

"Hmmm ... I'm in the mood for something special tonight, how about turkey style?" replied his mate.

"Turkey style? I've heard of 'doggy style,' but what in the world is turkey style?"

To which the wife replied, "Gobble, gobble, gobble!"

Celebrity jokes-Bob Marley

Q. Why did they have so much trouble burying Bob Marley?

A. His coffin kept jammin'

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hilarious jokes-Lost bearings

An auditor is checking the books of an airline. He is puzzled by the excess use of fuel on a Melbourne to Canberra flight. He rings up the pilot and asks for an explanation.

"It was late at night'" says the pilot, "Canberra was covered in fog and I lost my bearings."

"I'm sorry," says the auditor, "but you'll have to bear the cost yourself."

"The cost of what?" asks the pilot. "Of the bearings you lost."

Funny jokes-Baby sitters

Q: How many baby sitters does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None, They don't make Pampers small enough.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Funny jokes-New invention

Sohan and Mohan were discussing Sohan’s new computer.

Sohan: “my new invention is a computer that behaves like human beings.”

Mohan: “How?”

Sohan: “For every mistake it makes, it starts blaming the other computers”

Clean jokes-Watching the the gnu

The Crist family worked at a zoo. Each year they predicted the general luck and overall mood of the year by watching the the gnu. If the gnu's ears were forward, that meant a successful, joyous year was almost certain to happen. But if his ears were laid back flat against his head, it meant that an unlucky or very unhappy year was sure to come. One year it was young Mary's turn to "survey" the animal and come up with the prediction. It was her first time solo, and in her excitement, she forgot to take the key to the cage. She was late in coming to check on the gnu. Well, she saw the wrong ear position and predicted a bad year, when in fact it was quite good.

To explain the error, the local newspaper ran the following headline a year later:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Really funny jokes-Grounded

Brendan had spent a week visiting his family in Kentucky. His sister-in-law and seven-year-old nephew went with him when he returned to the airport. After verifying his seat number with the counter attendant, Brendan walked back to his relatives and stated that he'd have to wait an additional three hours in the airport.

"How come?," his nephew asked.

"My plane has been grounded," Brendan explained.

"Grounded?" the little boy said. "I didn't know planes had parents."

Kids jokes-Good deed for the day

A scoutmaster asked one of his troop what good deed he had done for the day.

"Well, Skip," said the scout, "Mum had only one dose of castor oil left, so I let my baby brother have it."

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hilarious jokes-Retiring Accountant

A young accountant spends a week at his new office with the retiring accountant he is replacing. Each and every morning as the more experienced accountant begins the day, he opens his desk drawer, takes out a worn envelope, removes a yellowing sheet of paper, reads it, nods his head, looks around the room with renewed vigor, returns the envelope to the drawer, and then begins his day's work. After he retires, the new accountant can hardly wait to read for himself the message contained in the envelope in the drawer, particularly since he feels so inadequate in replacing the far wiser and more highly esteemed accountant. Surely, he thinks to himself, it must contain the great secret to his success, a wondrous treasure of inspiration and motivation. His fingers tremble anxiously as he removes the mysterious envelope from the drawer and reads the following message: "Debits in the column toward the file cabinet. Credits in the column toward the window."

Funny jokes-Day at the Zoo

Fred was definitely more than a bit dumb; when his pal asked him how he had enjoyed his day at the zoo, he replied, "it was a total con! I saw a sign that said To The Monkeys, so I followed it and saw the monkeys. Then I saw another sign that said To The Bears, so I followed that and saw the bears. But when I followed a sign that said To the Exit, I found myself out on the street."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Valentine's Day joke-It's the thought that counts

My dear wife is always going on and on and on about NOT making a fuss over her on Valentine's Day.

She repeats that it's the thought that counts.

Well, I put a lot of thought into the gifts from previous February 14ths but she didn't quite take to any of them like I assumed she would.

Here's my list - see what you think:

* Brand new mop and bucket.

I was thinking it would be fun to see what colour the floor was because I couldn't remember.

* Romantic dinner at fast food restaurant.

I was thinking that she might like to go inside for a change instead of fetching dinner at the drive through.

* Chocolates left-over from last year's candy box. I was thinking of how proud she'd be of me for not wasting food. She's been nagging me for years to recycle.

* Midnight moped ride through the park. I was thinking that I'm getting too old to be peddling on the bike.

* Dozen roses printed on high quality photo paper. I was thinking these would last a lifetime instead of just a week.

* 45 second back massage. I was thinking any longer and she might think I was interested in something else.

* Windows Vista. I was thinking how proud she would be to be a part of the technology crowd.

Animal jokes-Birthday song

What song should you sing to a wildebeest on his birthday?

"Happy Birthday To Gnu!"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Really funny jokes-A pair of animals

The manager of a large city zoo was drafting a letter to order a pair of animals. He sat at his computer and typed the following sentence: "I would like to place an order for two mongooses, to be delivered at your earliest convenience."

He stared at the screen, focusing on that odd word mongooses. Then he deleted the word and added another, so that the sentence now read: "I would like to place an order for two mongeese, to be delivered at your earliest convenience."

Again he stared at the screen, this time focusing on the new word, which seemed just as odd as the original one. Finally, he deleted the whole sentence and started all over. "Everyone knows no full-stocked zoo should be without a mongoose," he typed. "Please send us two of them."

SMS jokes-Economics without assumptions

What would Economics be without assumptions?


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Funny office jokes-Stolen stock

An internal auditor for a manufacturing group was concerned about anomalies in stock levels. He thought someone might be pinching stock but he couldn't prove it. He had his eye on one shifty-looking individual who every day drove his old truck out of the factory with the load covered by a tarpaulin.

Time after time the auditor stopped the bloke, made him remove the tarpaulin and then inspected the load. On every occasion there was only scrap metal in the truck which the driver said he was taking to the tip. On three occasions the auditor made the bloke remove the tarpaulin and then unload the scrap in front of him, suspecting that there might be stolen stock hidden underneath. Nothing. He could never find anything amiss.

After a few months of this the auditor was offered a better job elsewhere and resigned. A few weeks later he was drinking in a pub when the shifty character walked in. On a n impulse the auditor went up to him and said, "Look, I've left the company, I'm not interested in taking it any further and I won't shop you, but I just have to know. What were you taking?"

And the bloke said "Tarpaulins."

Short hilarious jokes-In the Zoo

I was in the zoo last week.

Really? Which cage were you in?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Really funny jokes-No sound

It was Valentine's day and Jim and Danielle's first date.

They sat in the darkened cinema waiting for the film to start.

The screen finally lit up with a flashy advertisement for the cinema's concession stand.

Jim and Danielle realised that there was no sound.

The film began but the silence continued.

Suddenly, out of the darkness, an irritated voice in the crowd loudly shouted

'Okay, who's got the remote control?'

Political jokes-Sleeps around

What do you call a democrat that sleeps around?

A breeding-heart liberal.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Funny jokes-First accountant

Who was the first accountant?

Adam. He got interested in figures, turned the first leaf, made the first entry, lost interest after withdrawal, buggered up the monthly accounts and raised the first liability.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Really funny jokes-Fish poaching

The warden catches Seamus leaving the vicinity of the reservoir with a bucket of fish.

"Aha! I've caught you poachin' fish red-handed," says the warden.

"What do you mean, red-handed?" says Seamus.

"You've got a bucket full of 'em right there. You can't talk your way out of it this time."

"Oh, you don't understand," says Seamus, "I've not poached a thing. These are me pet fish.

I bring 'em to the reservoir once a week for exercise.

After they've had a good swim, they come back to the bucket and we go back home."

"Do ya expect me to believe such a tale?"

"I can prove it." say Seamus.

So they walk back to the reservoir and Seamus dips the bucket in and the fish swim away.

They stand in silence for 20, 30, 40 sign of the fish coming back to the pail.

Ha, ya lying rogue! shouts the warden.

"Where are your fish?"

"What fish?"

One line jokes-Repossessed

If you don't pay your exorcist you can get repossessed.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Celebrity jokes-Tom Cruise's offer

Q: Why did People Magazine turn down Tom Cruise's offer to sell pictures of his infant daughter Suri?

A: The editor said "We'd pay 5 million for pictures of Suri's conception, but Tom Cruise isn't in them."

Short funny jokes-Alive in flight

Ever wonder why they never show the film ALIVE in-flight?...... It's not because of the film's content, it's because the people in the film are eating better than the people on board.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hilarious jokes-The Unknown Soldier

A tourist, visiting a small town in Israel, came upon a statue dedicated to "The Unknown Soldier". At the base of the statue, a sign was displayed: "Here lies Seymour Ruthenberg".

The tourist inquired of one of the locals how was it possible an unknown had a name. The resident replied, "As a soldier, that Seymour was pretty much unknown, but as an accountant-Oy! He was something."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good jokes-Norwegian in Museum

A Norwegian went to a museum. The tour guide was explaining: "This sword is over 2000 years old."

The Norwegian paused for a second to think about it and then asked: "How is that possible? We are only in the year 1998."

Funny jokes-The Big Apple

Why did Eve want to move to New York ?

She fell for the Big Apple !

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Really funny jokes-Robbery foiled

A robbery at a school in Providencia, Chile was foiled when the pupils laughed at the perpetrator of the crime reports the newspaper Las Ultimas Noticias.

The teachers, pupils and parents had been watching the rehearsal of a play which began with the words, 'This is a robbery'.

The criminal used these words and the audience collapsed in fits of laughter. So taken aback, the robber snatched the registration money and fled from the school into the arms of the police who were on their way having been alerted to the robbery.

More Confucius says

Confucius says

[1] Man who drives like hell, bound to get there.

[2] Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.

[3] Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.

[4] Man who fish in other mans' well often catch craps.

[5] Man who keep feet firmly on ground have trouble putting on pants.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Finance jokes-Bank in trouble

Robyn leaves home for University and after several weeks she turns up at home in quite a distressed state.

'Dad, you gave me some terrible financial advice,' she splutters.

'I did?' responds her father, 'What did I tell you?'

Well, you told me to put my money in that big bank, and now that big bank is in serious trouble,' explains Robyn sniffing.

'What are you talking about? That's one of the largest banks in the whole country,' he remarks, 'there must be some mistake.....'

'I don't think so,' Robyn interrupts, 'They just returned one of my cheques with a note saying, "Insufficient Funds".'

One line jokes-War

War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Really funny jokes-Safety briefing

An airline stewardess was giving the standard safety briefing to the passengers. She had just finished saying 'In the event of a water landing, your seat cushion may be used as a flotation device,' when a man remarked, "Hey! If the plane can't fly, why should I believe the seat can float?"

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Celebrity jokes-Tomkat and Bragelina

Q: Now that Tomkat (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) have had a silent birth everyone's wondering what Brangelina are going to do?

A: Sources say that they are going to have the baby in Africa and adopt it right away.

Short funny jokes-Never ask an accountant

What does an accountant say when you ask him the time?

It's 9.18 am and 12 seconds; no wait - 13 seconds, no wait - 14 seconds, no wait......